A True Smile

Translation Spell check Synonyms Conjugation More. Whether you use the plural or singular version of this word Im sure you can find the perfect time to use it.

11 Beautiful French Words To Melt Your Heart With Audio Pronunciations

How to say Beautiful in French French adjectives often have a masculine and a feminine form.

How to spell beautiful in french. Comment ca secrit comment tu epelles. Eau is a common letter combination in the french language. Cela convient parfaitement a une si belle fille.

As with Spanish French has genders for words. Beau is the masculine and belle the feminine form of the adjective meaning beautiful. The finest and most beautiful display of bowling.

If youve learned French at any point in your life youve seen the famous Series E-A-U. Belle is pronounced as it looks and beau is pronounced boh. The masculine word for beautiful in French is beau or bel before a word starting with a vowel and the feminine is belle.

We dont have any special translation because we rarely say that in France but you could say soyez beni en cette belle journee literally meaning be blessed in this beautiful day Thanks. How to say Beautiful in French. That may seem surprising for a language thats associated with romance and seduction.

To simplify it you could say magnifique magnificent which is used to describe something or someone as very beautiful or striking. Its common in French. French words for French include Francais francaises francophones francophone le francais and Francaise.

A beautiful girl attracts customers at first. Je taime is pronounced juh tehm. In French both men and women can be beautiful.

Now that you know how to say hello in French you need to learn how to properly part ways. Beau belle is the only exact equivalent for beautiful in standard French. Le rideau se leve sur une jolie fille.

Beautiful in French Beau Belle. 50 Beautiful French Words. The masculine form is usually translated as.

Since 2005 that is observed this boom life is beautiful in Beni. Beautiful also becomes difficult due to the syllable T-I. Befitting to such a beautiful girl.

Translations in context of life is beautiful in English-French from Reverso Context. Its a beautiful day today. De plus les lumieres des bougies sont mieux sur une jolie fille.

Parting Phrases in French. Besides candlelight looks best on a beautiful girl. In English the word beautiful has distinctly feminine connotations.

Woman baby place day tres beau belle She was a very beautiful woman. Children can be first taught the root word beau which is french for beautiful. So beautiful in French is either beau for a man or belle for a woman or masculinefeminine noun.

Une belle fille ca attire le client au debut. They will also be able to apply the eau letter combination to other words with french origins. The French English word beau means the same thing and this information can help you learn how to spell this important English adjective.

The chart below breaks it all down for you. How to say beautiful rose in French. Curtain rises on a beautiful girl.

First on the list is a word that you can use in many different scenarios. When speaking to a woman say Tu es belle which is pronounced like Two eh bell. Just like with greetings these parting phrases can differ based on the context and the familiarity with the person.

And Je taime beau to say it to a guy. New England is beautiful. How do you say beautiful in French.

The Most Beautiful French Words 1. Spelling beautiful will then be an easy task. There is no one way to say You are beautiful in French.

Bisous or bisou kiss is a common French word. When speaking to a man replace belle with beau which sounds like boh. The weather was beautiful while we were on holiday.

That is Je taime belle to say it to a girl. Beautiful in French The translation for the word beautiful is belle or beau depending on who you are talking to or what youre talking about. Translation of how do you spell in French.

When addressing a female superior say Vous etes belle which is pronounced like Vooz eht boh.